A few years back I came across a mobile site (and accompanying tutorial) by Engage Interactive (UK) that did some magical stuff. The navigation of this small sub-site was driven by orientation changes. The four areas of the site were revealed only by rotating the device! Mind:blown (back then, of course). Anyway, here’s the code ...
if($(\'.RadioLabel\')[0]){ $(\'.RadioLabel\').css(\'cursor\', \'pointer\'); $(\'.RadioLabel\').click(function(){ $(this).parent().find(\'.FormRadio\').attr(\'checked\', true); }); } So, i have a div (.RadioWrapper) with a radio button (.FormRadio) and a <p> tag (.RadioLabel). I attach this click event to the label, which calls to the parent of both items to find the associated radio button with class ‘FormRadio’ and sets it to checked. I ...
Something Cool I found Check it out!! LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such asvariables, mixins, operations and functions. LESS runs on both the client-side (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and server-side, with Node.js and Rhino. ~lesscss.org